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Aug 18, 2015

"Marketing is both a powerful and positive tool for shaping our perceptions, actions, and social norms. I encourage anyone who's working in any cause-based mission to embrace social marketing as an important tool, especially those working in conservation." Brooke Sadowsky and Kevin Green from Rare join the podcast to...

Aug 13, 2015

"You've got to look at what people do about climate change, not what they think about it... Ultimately we're going to be judged on how effective we are, not whether people remember the brand or message of a program." David Meiklejohn joins the podcast to discuss wicked problems, super wicked problems, and climate...

Aug 4, 2015

"Governments and other social actors need to take an ambidextrous approach—they have to at the same time try to eliminate [ill-being] while at the same time creating conditions for people to flourish and reach their potential." Hamilton Carvalho joins the podcast to discuss how we define social good and how social...